Blue Provence
Acrylic and mixed media on linen / Acrylique et technique mixte sur lin – Dim : 80 x 80 cm – Chassis 8 cm
White carrara marble / Marbre blanc de carrare – Dim : 70 x 40 cm
Cedar Wood of Lebanon / Bois de cèdre du Liban – Dim : 70 x 40 cm
Cats and Dogs
Acrylic and mixed media on linen / Acrylique et technique mixte sur toile de lin
Dim : 80 x 80 cm
Acrylic and mixed media on linen / Acrylique et technique mixte sur lin
Dim : 80 x 80 cm – Chassis 8 cm
Acrylic and mixed media on linen / Acrylique et technique mixte sur lin
Dim : 80 x 80 cm – Chassis 8 cm
Gold mystique
Mixed media and gold leaf on canvas / Technique mixte avec feuille d’or sur toile
Dim : 80 x 80 cm – Chassis 8 cm
Le tango de l’amour
Acrylic and mixed media on Panel / Acrylique et technique mixte sur panneau
Dim : 140 x 140 cm
Le pays des merveilles
Acrylic on linen / Acrylique sur lin
Dim : 150 x 150 cm
A bunch of Kuky symbols
Dia : 22 cm
Kuky was born in 1966 in Italy. Outsider and spontaneous artist, he always felt the need to create, and live a real passion for painting and sculpture . His artistic universe oscillates between a charming and lively symbolic world, and a transcended and humouristic style.His atypical destiny has become his source of inspiration. After growing up in an Italian family of antique dealers, since several generations, he followed a career as a model and artistic director in the world of fashion. He worked with most préstigeous designers (Armani, Chanel, Christian Lacroix, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Donna Karan, Fendi, Ferre, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Yves Saint Laurent ……) . He ,now,devotes entirely to create art. Kuky develops a new aesthetic that is part of the current « SYMBOLISM ». The inspiration for the color and his line seems to guide his work and finds its full development in the expression of his subjects. The symbols, combined in a magical atmosphere, express the depth and spirituality of the artist. Kuky has been listed in 2013,in the world wide artists dictionary « Larousse Drouot » , and on ARTPRICE , he lives in the Cote d’Azur and organizes several exhibition per year in the most important capitals of the world.
Kuky est né en 1966 en Italie. Outsider et artiste spontané, a toujours senti le besoin de créer, et vivre une véritable passion pour la peinture. Son univers artistique oscille entre un monde symbolique fascinant et vif, et un style dépassé et humoristique. Son parcours personnel est devenu sa source d’inspiration principale. Après avoir grandi dans une famille italienne d’antiquaires, depuis générations, il a suivi une carrière comme mannequin et directeur artistique dans le monde de la mode. En trois décennies, il a eu la possibilité de travailler avec les plus prestigieux noms du luxe mondial (Armani, Chanel, Christian Lacroix, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Donna Karan, Fendi , Ferre, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs,Yves Saint Laurent ……). Aujourd’hui, il se dédie complètement à la peinture. Kuky développe une nouvelle esthétique qui fait partie du courant« SYMBOLISME ». L’inspiration pour la couleur et sa ligne semble orienter son travail et trouve son plein développement dans l’expression de ses sujets. Les symboles, unis dans une atmosphère magique, expriment la profondeur et laspiritualité de l’artiste. Kuky a été inséré, en 2013, dans le prestigieux Dictionnaire international des artistes cotés, « Larousse Drouot », organise plusieurs expositions, périodiquement, et ses oeuvres sont offertes à la vente aux enchères dans les capitales les plus importantes du monde de l’ art.
Kuky è nato nel 1966 in Italia. Outsider e artista spontaneo, ha sempre sentito il bisogno di creare, e vivere una vera e propria passione per la pittura. Il suo universo artistico oscilla tra un mondo simbolico affascinante e vivace, ed uno stile trasceso ed umoristico .Il suo percorso personale è diventato la sua fonte di ispirazione principale . Dopo essere cresciuto in una famiglia italiana di antiquari, da molte generazioni, ha seguito una carriera come modello e direttore artistico nel mondo della moda. In tre decenni,ha avuto la possibilità di lavorare con i piu prestigiosi nomi del lusso mondiale (Armani, Chanel, Christian Lacroix, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Donna Karan, Fendi, Ferre, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Yves Saint Laurent ……). Oggi,si dedica completamente alla pittura. Kuky sviluppa una nuova estetica che fa parte della corrente « SIMBOLISMO ». L’ispirazione per il colore e la sua linea sembra orientare il suo lavoro e trova il suo pieno sviluppo nell’espressione dei suoi soggetti. I simboli, uniti in una magica atmosfera, esprimono la profondità e la spiritualità dell’artista. Kuky è stato inserito, nel 2013, nel prestigioso Dizionario internazionale degli artisti quotati, dal XV secolo ai giorni nostri, « Larousse Drouot »,organizza diverse mostre ,periodicamente,e le sue opere sono battute all asta nelle capitali più importanti del mondo delĺ arte.
Monthly presence on the On line catalogues on Legendary auction house DROUOT, Paris, France.
– October 2017, participation in the 9th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– June 2017, personal exhibition Hotel Palazzo GUISCARDO, Pietrasanta, italie.
– May 2017, personal Exhibition Relais chateau MONTEPEPE, Montignoso, Italie.
– October 2016, participation to the 8 th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, undert the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– May 2015, personal exhibition, Foyer du Palais des Fetivals, Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France.
– October 2015, participation to the 7th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– June 2015, personal exhibition Sex Symbols Galerie Carré Doré, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– October 2014, participation to the 6 th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– September 2014, participation DROUOT auction house, « salle Rossini » Paris, France.
– September 2014, « 6eme Salon d’art international » FORUM du CASINO’, Hyeres, France.
– June 2014, « MISA SYMBOLA ipotesi dinamica » Convento dei Filippini, Treia, Macerata, Italie.
– May 2014, participation au prix de l’art » PREMIO COMBAT » , Livorno, Italie.
– April 2014, « exposition du Lavoir », Mougins Vieux Village, France.
– April 2014, personal exhibition MISA, Museo Internazionale in Progress per le Aziende, exposition, « Specchio d’Acqua, Lavatoio Romano di Guidonia, Roma, Italie.
– April 2014, OASIS, international art fair, Osaka et Sendai, Japan.
– March 2014, ART WE CAN, exposition » Autodidactes » Aeroport Nice Côte d’Azur, Nice, France.
– March 2014, ARTOUR-O-il MUST, exposition personelle, « VILLA FANI » Firenze, Italie.
– February 2014, « ARTOULOUSE » deuxième édition du Salon d’art International, Parc des expositions Diagora, Toulouse, France, gagnant du Premier prix du jury.
– November 2013, participation to the 5th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– October 2013, personal exhibition Galerie lounge bar » Le Jardin Secret » le Suquet, Cannes, Côte d’Azur, France.
– March 2013, Fashion art « Galerie Carré doré », Monaco, Principauté de Monaco.
– December 2012, KUKYLOVE Como, Galleria « Spazio Natta », Como, Italia.
– November 2012, participation to the 4th edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– May 2012, personal exhibition KUKYLOVE London, « Istituto Culturale Italiano », London, United Kingdom.
– April 2012, personal exhibition KUKYLOVE London, « 12 stars Gallery », Europe House, London, United Kingdom.
– February 2012, personal exhibition KUKYLOVE Mougins, « Espace, Topfit » Mougins, Côte d’Azur, France.
– December 2011, personal exhibition KUKYLOVE La Colle Sur Loup, » Galerie de l’Office de Tourisme », La Colle sur Loup, Côte d’Azur, France.
– November 2011, participation to the 3rd edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– June 2010, personal exhibition Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Republic of San Marino.
– November 2010, participation in the 2nd edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco
– May 2010, personal exhibition Gallery Artemisia, Motecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– November 2009, participation to the 1st edition of International Charity Art Contest, GEMLUCART, under the direction of Her Highness Caroline, Princess of Hannover, Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– October 2009, personal exhibition « Viva la Vita », Gallery Hotel Boscolo Exedra, Rome, Italie.
– March 2008, personal exhibition, »Fleurilege » Galerie, World’s artists, Milan, Italie.
– February 2008, personal exhibition « L’amour et ses symboles » Gallery,Spazio SANTAMARTA, Milan, Italie.
– June 2007, personal exhibition, Gallery Artemisia, Monaco, Principauté de Monaco.
– January 2007, personal exhibition Gallery « World Trade Center » Montecarlo, Principauté de Monaco.
– May 2006, personal exhibition, Gallery Widenfels, Saint Paul de Vence, Côte d Azur, France.
– September 2005, personal exhibition Gallery World´s Artists, Rome, Italie.
– April 2004, personal Opening.
Hand painted vase / Vase peint à la main
Dim : 33 x 43 x 12 cm